Welcome to China Bird Tour
We do China birding since 1999

China Bird Tour  is a China based travel company specializing on China birdwatching & China birding tours plus mammal watching tours within China include all hotspots such as Sichuan, Qinghai, Tibet, SE China, Yunnan,NE China,Xinjiang,Hainan......

Occasionally we were the local agent for Birdquest UK between 1999/2001 for their Tibet birding tours.This was a very good start and we focus our business gradually inclined to birdwatching since 2004.From 2005 with the deep cooperation with Birdtour Asia as their local agent, we are doing better and better.Till 2014 we are approved by Ornitholidays UK; Travelling Naturalists; Spanish Nature S.L.;  Zoothera Birding UK; Travel to Nature Asia Germany; Prregine Birding; Birdwatching Breaks;Rockjumper Birding Tours ;RR Birding;AviFauna;world-wide-birding;Zegrahm Expeditions;Saker Tour;Apex Expeditions to be their local agent.

We attended 2015/16/17/18 Birdfair London and glad to announce that we will be the local agent for more birding companies for their coming China birding tours:
WildLife WorldWide;Wildlife & Landscape Photograph;Wise Birding;Greenwings Wildlife;
Bird Holidays; Oriole Birding and Finnature.

Because of early start,proud to say, at the moment China Bird Tour is the first birding agent within China and as yearly arrangements for so many worldwide birding companies,China Bird Tour team are getting more and more experienced & professional.
We understand that a right local bird guide is so important for a success trip.
So we quite proud to say:
we have the most professional Chinese bird guides in our team.
(click here for detailed info of our guides) 

China Bird Tour aim:
For worldwide birding companies, we will be your best local agent!
For individual private tours,we will try our best to let your different kinds of requirements be satisfied as always!

Wish you all nice birding in China!!

China Bird Tour Team

What our clients say
2018 feedbacks
Hi Tangjun,
Everyone reached home safely.
It will take time to elaborate a report, but I want to thank you for the wonderful tour. It was definitely a success and I already have been contacted by some clients interested for 2025.
Please remember to send me videos and images collected during the tour. It's for sure the most powerful element of advertising for the coming tours.
Thanks and all the best

Dear Tang Jun, dear Steven,
We had a long but problem-free trip back to Switzerland.
I would like to thank you for all the work you did for the first LIBERTYBIRD China trip. The organization was perfect, the drivers excellent and Steven did an absolutely great job!!!
Thank you very much.
Wish you all the best, take care and good luck

Hi Tang Jun,
As you probably know by now, my wife and I signed up with *** for their Sichuan birding tour.  One thing that helped us to decide to join them, was that we learned that Robbi, from your company, was going to be the local guide.  That convinced us to go with ***, especially when it was in the prime season.
It was an excellent tour.  We wanted to thank Robbi again.
Keith and Janice

Dear Tang
Life has finally settled down here a bit and I’m catching up on emails etc.
I wanted to thank you for an amazing time in China, we all loved the trip and I was so impressed at China after not visiting for so many years. Really appreciate all your hard work and going the extra mile for us!
Hope all is well and look forward to seeing you at Rutland soon.
Best wishes

Thanks or both - I’ve had a quick look through and nothing seems amiss - thanks for organising (and guiding) for them, really great logistics as usual - you do exceptionally well to make so many pieces come together, I appreciate its a really difficult logistic to do, East China.

Hi Tang Jun
All of us exceeded expectations in terms of seeing our targets. We would like to thank China Bird Yours and especially Mr Young plus Jason for their hard work. We were very demanding clients, but both Jason and Mr Young did their best to meet our needs.
Not certain if I’ll be at the Bird Fair this year, but if I’m there I’ll come by and say hello. Cheers  Nick

Dear Tang Jun,Please find Dave's comments as follows:
1,guide Robbi Zhu;
Excellent throughout, ran and managed the tour very well. He has a very professional attitude and is clearly effective as an organiser as everything ran without any trouble. He wan't very familiar with a couple of the places, perhaps because our itinerary visited some less well-known places due to the itinerary changes following the Jiuzhaigou earthquake. He claimed it was his best ever tour around Sichuan, we even got him a a lifer! 
2,driver Mr Shen
A first class driver who deserves special credit for his skills and professional attitude. He would be an asset on any tour, perhaps even becoming a birder!
Excellent. Interior was most adequate for our number, and it managed some rough roads without difficulty. We had no puncture or mechanical issues.
An omnivorous group, so Sichuan food was enjoyed. We ate very well throughout.
Mostly good, Lijiang hotel on the extension wasn't too good, and the Ruorgai hotel had some faults (plumbing etc) that required room changes for two people. I think it was understood that there wasn't anywhere better in town, but an upgrade is needed."

We have received the questionnaires from the participants. I have tried to summarize the feedback:
Accommodation: Good
Meals: Sufficient/Good
Local guide  Jay Wu: excellent in Bird knowledge and did a lot of effort to show and let the participants hear the species. For next time it would be nice to help the participants with recognizing the sound of previously observed species, just repeat it more often. Jay good improve his organisational skills a bit. But summarizing there are all very satisfied with Jay, he is an excellent birder.
The participants are satisfied with the itinerary from low altitude to high altitude. The comment we received was that there was no private time, because the program was quite full.

Dear Tang Jun
Thank you for your photos and for giving us such an amazing trip to Sichuan.  You are a great guide, you spotted amazing wildlife and gave us wonderful food! The scenery was beautiful and I enjoyed seeing life in China generally.  Anne
Tang Jun,
Many thanks for the pictures and I promise not say they are mine! Extra thanks for the hard work during the tour. I already miss the breakfast “buns”. I look forward to Birdfair and to support your work in promoting what is a stunning region of China.All the best wishes for the future.Stephen Douglas
2016/2017 clients feedback
Thanks or both - I’ve had a quick look through and nothing seems amiss - thanks for organising (and guiding) for them, really great logistics as usual - you do exceptionally well to make so many pieces come together, I appreciate its a really difficult logistic to do, East China.
Hi Tang Jun
All of us exceeded expectations in terms of seeing our targets. We would like to thank China Bird Yours and especially Mr Young plus Jason for their hard work. We were very demanding clients, but both Jason and Mr Young did their best to meet our needs.
Not certain if I’ll be at the Bird Fair this year, but if I’m there I’ll come by and say hello.Cheers Nick

Thanks for these Tang Jun and thank you for a wonderful trip.
We really appreciated all of your hard work and are looking forward to travelling with you again.Please let us know if you are ever able to arrange a giant panda trip and I will contact you as soon as I have guests for a mammal tour.
Thanks again and best wishes to you and your family.  Jason

Hi Tang, firstly many thanks for organizing a very successful tour.  I  had never visited China before and I was so impressed with the beauty of  the mountains and the Tibetan plateau.
Can we ask that you pencil us in for the same tour in May 2019? If you  can give us some dates soon that would be great.  I think it ran so well  we would not change the itinerary.  Many thanks.   Regards, Nigel

Thank you very much for your email Tang Jun. It is great to hear that the tour was a success. Thank you for all the hard work which you put into the tour, we really appreciate it. Kind regards, Nisha

Hey Tang Jun! Thanks for the photos and the awesome bird trip. I made it to Xishuangbanna with only one hour delay. I will be departing for the US on the 4th of august. Cheers and thanks again, Sam

Thanks for the great pictures, Tang Jun! I just arrived back at my apartment in England. Thanks for a great trip! Daniel

Hi Tang and Jay
I have now updated my life list with the birds seen on our trip and I saw 260 species of which 140 were lifers! I am delighted with this number.
Thank you both so much for everything you did to make our stay so productive and such fun. I loved every moment of it (apart from the flight home!) and I will definitely be coming as a customer when Phil does his trip in 2019.
Tang, could you let me have contact details for the company who supplied our culture guide in Lhasa, Tsering, as he was absolutely wonderful and I would like to write to them how good he was? Not only did he know all the cultural matters completely, he also knew where the best places to stop for the birds were as he had taken other birding groups. Phil did his usual trick of disappearing off taking photos so I spent a lot of time chatting to Tsering and found him great company.
Jay, I will order the Viking scopac you liked and will bring it to Tang at the Bird Fair. Looking forward to seeing you again, Tang.
Kind regards to you both and to Phoebe. Pauline

Ni hao Steven!
Shaun sent me your e-mail address so I can forward you my e-mail to everyone.
THANK YOU again for the best trip ever! You were the best guide we could have imagined!Since our trip I am a fan of China and really happy after the beautiful landscapes, all our experiences and most of all the wonderful species we could see because of you!
Will send some pictures of our SE China trip soon!
Best regards from Austria to China and all the best for you!  Ingrid

Hi Tang Jun,
Just wanted to say thanks for a great Sichuan tour – 325 species seen was the best so far. Can we arrange dates for the SE China tour again for 2018 please. Maybe it can start a little later if Steven An is available…?Nick Upton was full of praise for Steven An and said he was the best thing about the tour this year!All the best, Nick

Hi Tang Jun,
I trust that you and the family are well. Just a quick note to say many thanks for all your arranging of our trip which went very well. I’ll send more over later. If there is any information you want regarding the trip, let me know. Tony

It had been my intention to contact you when I returned home to say thank you for a great tour, because with the traffic problems on our return to Shanghai, it was rather a hurried departure. Anyway thanks for a good trip, I know my eating habits are a pain, but thanks for your efforts in that area, must have worked because I have since cooked Sweet & Sour Chicken and enjoyed it. Hope you are now at home with your family and hope you had a good tour with Zoothera.
Have a good Christmas and hopefully see you at next year's Birdfair. Stuart

Dear Tang Jun
Thank you for sending the photographs, and thank you also for a wonderful tour.  I really enjoyed it so much, and finding the Spoon-billed Sandpiper at the end was just fantastic.  I am sorry that our farewell was so rushed, and I did not have time to tell you how much I appreciated your help getting the birds I had not seen before and getting better views of ones I had seen before, I was very happy with our results.
I hope that your current tour is going well, and that you do not have many fussy eaters in the group! See you at the Birdfair next year, I hope.
Best wishes, Sonia

Hi, Tang Jun and Robbi Zhu! The Balangshan tour in this July was a great experience for all of us. Our first visit to China was totally satisfied including wonderful meal. Most impressive dish was needless to say, extremely hot Chinjao Rosu “Fire-throat” for Koh, haha.
Mr. Liu was an excellent driver and Robbi the perfect guide gave us very memorable and exciting days in Sichuan. We were very lucky with the weather, meaning we were able to get good looks at many of the wanted species.
For us, Japanese nature-lover, there’s special feeling for Himalayas. Japan archipelago was connected with Eurasian continent by land in the past, so plenty of species are related to China. When it comes to birds, many rare species recorded in Japan breeds in Sichuan. For example, Blue-fronted Redstart, Rosy Pipit, Greenish Warbler and Yellow-streaked Warbler. Balangshan is surely the best and nearest site for watching these birds from Japan!
In addition, there is such an interesting place for flower-lover. July is not always good for birding, but it is best for various kinds of alpine flowers. Most impressive scene in this trip was male Grandala hopping in splendid flower garden. It was arguably bird of the trip.
I look forward to using China Bird Tour again when I go birding in China, and will recommend it to others planning trips to China.
Many thanks again and best wishes,  Yutaka, Koh and Satoshi

Dear Tang Jun,
Very many thanks for all your help with our trip. We had a great time in Fujian and saw many good birds. Even though the Chinese Crested Terns failed to show up, our morning on the estuary was fine with many crested terns and good waders. Everything worked very well and Steven An is an excellent guide - very friendly and caring as well as knowledgable. He gave us a very happy and memorable week in Fujian.
Many thanks also for arranging Foping permits for us. The Blackthroats behaved and we all enjoyed our visit there as well as to Sichuan. I will happily recommend China Bird Tour for their excellent service to anyone wishing to visit and hope that it is not too long before I am birding in China with you again.Many thanks again and Best wishes Richard

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